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Updated: Jan 15, 2021

Welcome to 2021! Last year was quite a doozy, and with more of us working from home, work-life lines have become blurred. For Ari and me, nothing much has changed. We've always been a homeschooling family. Her routine stayed the same, minus her extracurricular activities that luckily returned with the 2020 school year.

We had to adjust to our new world and having her dad home 24/7. However, I noticed that his workdays seemed to have become longer. Days filled with endless meetings and hushed conversations between Ari and me, I had "shhh, daddy is on a call" on repeat daily. My hubby and I also started a new business(learn more in the previous post), making time management necessary. Finding balance was difficult, and when we finally got into the swing of things, we lost power for almost two months due to a small fire on our property. Say la vie, we pushed through and made it work.

How did we adapt in 2020? We cooked together, did more hiking to stay active, many games of hide-n-seek, and bought more board games. Dad carved out time a couple of times a week to play with dolls. Netflix and Disney+ are excellent for family movie days. My favorite activity is cooking together as a family; we put on our favorite jams turning cooking into an all-out dance party/ dance battle. In the kitchen is where we have some of our best moments; what's better than good food, music, and the best company!

Our Favorite Games

Headbandz- encourages reading

Guess who?- A childhood favorite of mine

Uno - Ari has beat us more than we'd like to admit. lol

Monopoly- I especially love this because it's also educational. Ya for math!

Chutes and Ladders


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