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Coding with Doctor Who HiFive -Inventor Coding Kit

Hey guys, I hope all is well. Most of you may have already read my piece, My little coder and if you haven't, check it out here. In that post, I mentioned the HiFive; aka UniSparkle Aria renamed it. I received the HiFive inventor coding kit for free, and here's my and Aria's honest review! "It's amazingly cool!" -Aria.

What's Included

  • HiFive Inventor mini-computer

  • Doctor Who and Tynker coding lessons

  • Thousands of activities and challenges

  • External speaker

  • Light up USB LED cable

  • External battery pack

  • Alligator clips

Upon receiving it, my daughter was super excited to try it out! Aria has been taking coding classes for a couple of months now, and she loves this because she can do it on her own time.

It is the same block coding she's been learning, except that she can see separate electronic outputs via the hand(mini-computer), So coding has become even more tangible for her. She is excited to see what happens with the external speaker, and so am I!

The Doctor Who coding device makes coding fun because a story has been weaved into learning and keeps her entertained! The first lesson was about programming the board. We downloaded the HEX file to get the program connected to the mini-computer. The coding program itself is easy to navigate. The directions are pretty straightforward, and it fosters problem-solving skills. If your child isn't a strong reader, that isn't a problem as there is narration. However, when using glitch manor, they will need to be at grade-level reading. Aria was able to get through it no problems, but it's something to consider.

There are so many lessons, and I feel like we have barely scratched the surface.

We still have so much to explore and will be back with more updates soon.

All in all, this is a great way to introduce kids to the world of coding!

Ten Reasons Why we Love It!

  1. Great way to introduce your kids to coding

  2. It's educational

  3. Learning wrapped into fun storylines

  4. Great price point

  5. Programable to react to things within your environment

  6. Kit comes with everything you need

  7. Wifi accessible when using battery pack

  8. Plays sounds and music

  9. Access to HiFive Inventor website

  10. Unlimited access to Glitch manor coding game

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